How to send your submissions

IMPORTANT! We cannot accept your music modules as submissions for the Amiga Format CD owing to copyright problems with sound samples from copyrighted sources.

Send us your animations or pictures for our Gallery section, your programs and other miscellany for the main ReaderStuff section, your Reader Games for the magazine and CD, your Workbench screengrabs for our ReaderStuff section or your website to be included in with the websites on this CD.

It's easy! Find out just how to do it below:

  • If you want to enter your pictures into the Gallery, click here.
  • If you want your Reader game to go in the magazine, read this.
  • If you've done a WB grab and you'd like to see it on our CD, read here.
  • If you want your website on our CD, click here.
  • If what you've done doesn't fit any of these criteria, click here.
Your submission must include your name, address, phone number (or email) and the following text within your AF_ReadMe file, otherwise your submission will not go on the CD:

In respect of all material which forms my reader contribution to Future Publishing's Amiga Format I hereby warrant that:-

  1. the material is original and does not infringe any other material or rights;

  2. the material does not contain any material which is defamatory, obscene or indecent and is exempt from classification under the Video Recordings Act 1984;

  3. that there are no legal claims against the material provided;

  4. that I have full power and authority to provide this material to Future Publishing.

(There is a version of this text as a file in the +System+/Info drawer on the CD.)